
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Circle of life...

Yesterday was one of those days, that made us take a long hard look at why we are doing this. We knew it would happen eventually, and we have been thoroughly initiated.
Something got into one of our chicken tractors and killed 7 of the 10 chickens that were in there. Just killed them, didn't eat them. Seems so senseless.
There are so many levels of grief for this, I feel very bad for the chickens, who were alone in the dark when they were attacked. I feel responsible, we made their home and put them in it, they trusted us that they were safe. I feel a financial loss, on two counts. One, because, we were scrimping on food for our family to buy them in the first place. $77, gone, that is not an insignificant amount right now. Two, because we were counting on those particular pullets to provide eggs for the farmers market, future income, also gone. They will have to be re-placed, we have made a commitment .
The poor chickens that did survive, were traumatized, and had to be put into a new home with other chickens, yet another scary event for them. A very somber day, that made us look at everything differently.
But, life must go on, these things happen. We will learn and move forward. This is important, to have food that is free of chemicals, to raise healthy animals who behave the way they are supposed to.
There are new chickens about to hatch, the eggs are wiggling! Today is a new day.

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