
Monday, April 29, 2013

What a beautiful evening!! 62 degrees, the air fresh from recent rain, with just a hint of flowery perfume. I just enjoyed a cup of tea, on the front steps. Entertained by two bats, performing their aerial ballet.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sorry Fans, it's been a long time, but we're back - :)
So much has happened, and some of that is just too unpleasant to share, so onward and upward...
It is finally spring!! New chicks are hatching and we have a batch of Serama eggs from Laura Castle going into the incubator at midnight!! We have flowers on a couple of apple and peach trees, hopefully it won't snow on them this year. It is 80 degrees today but we have a winter storm settling in over the week-end, it should be just above freezing here, looks like we will miss the snow-woot!
 Stay tuned for other exciting, new adventures.